

Deviation Actions

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Stacy and Elissa sat huddled close beside each other on one end of the couch, hunched over a little with their hands folded in their laps as they watched the Princess of the Amazons pace back and forth in front of them just on the other side of the coffee table.
Lounging on the other end and sipping on some hot tea, Queen Hippolyta also watched her daughter pace.  She wore a pale red skirt and a sleeveless white top that showed off her well toned, Amazon arms.  She had kicked her shoes off and sat comfortably with her legs drawn beside her.  The expression she wore was anything but anger toward the girls, unlike Diana, and she looked almost amused as she watched the Amazon Princess pace in a seemingly vain effort to collect her thoughts.
Diana's hands clenched into tight fists, then relaxed again, then clenched, and relaxed.  She also seemed to be grinding her teeth, just like Elissa did when she was angered or annoyed.
Stacy's eyes strayed to the Queen and she timidly asked, "How is the tea?"
Offering her a pleasant smile, Hippolyta nodded to her and replied, "It is excellent, dear.  Thank you."
"Would you like more?"
The Queen finished the last sip and handed her the cup, accepting, "I would love more."
Hurrying to the kitchen, Stacy was careful to stay clear of Diana's path.
The pacing continued as Stacy worked in the kitchen.
Daring to emerge and approach the Amazon Princess, Stacy offered her a picture, looking timidly up at her as she stopped and looked down at it.
Diana gingerly took the photo and studied it for long seconds.  Her expression softened as she recalled, "I remember this."
Stacy nodded.  "That's my mother you're with.  She talked about meeting you that day all the time like it was the greatest thing that ever happened to her."
Leaning her head slightly, Diana recalled, "Her name is Dawn, isn't it?"
"Yes," Stacy confirmed, "Dawn Madding.  She was, like, your biggest fan ever."
Diana's eyes snapped back to her.  "Was?"
"She died," Stacy informed softly.  "It was about seven years ago.  She had breast cancer."
Her mouth tightening, the Amazon Princess reached to the girl and stroked her hair, offering, "I'm sorry.  She was a fine woman, one who I was better for knowing even briefly."
Stacy nodded again, tears welling up in her eyes.  She looked down at the picture and took it, then turned and hurried back to the kitchen.
Diana could not take her eyes from the little young woman and just stood there for long seconds watching her labor in the kitchen, and this did not go unnoticed.
Queen Hippolyta swung her legs to the floor and stood, slowly approaching Diana and grasping her shoulders from behind as she said in a low voice, "Now might be a good time for you and my granddaughter to have a private chat."  She walked past the Princess and into the kitchen, saying, "Stacy, you must show me how you make that delightful tea."
Diana finally looked to her daughter, meeting her eyes, then she motioned with her head to the bedroom and turned that way.
Reluctantly, Elissa stood and followed.
Once inside, Elissa closed the door and just stared at a shirt that was on the floor at the foot of her bed, and tears began to well up in her eyes as she awaited the worst.
Setting her hands on her hips, Diana looked around at a room that was in horrible disarray and observed, "Well.  Looks like you brought some old habits from home."  When she turned toward her daughter, she was ambushed by strong arms that wrapped tightly around her.
Elissa held her as tightly as she could and buried her face in her mother's neck, and she cried as she finally allowed penned up emotions to emerge unopposed with the one person in the world she could.
"Elissa?" Diana summoned softly, gingerly slipping her hands onto the girl's shoulders.
"I'm sorry, Mommy!" Elissa cried.  "I'm sorry.  I did my best and I still wasn't good enough!"
Those words stabbed at Diana's heart and she tried to fight back her own tears, finally wrapping her arms around the girl as she kissed her head, then she laid her cheek there and soothed, "Shh.  Elissa, it's okay."  She rocked her back and forth.  "Shh."  She led the way to the bed and they sat down, and her daughter clung to her even more, and cried even harder.
For a moment, Diana just rocked her back and forth, her cheek lying on top of her head as she held the girl and slowly stroked her long hair.  This was a moment she had missed for many years and she found herself consumed by it.  At almost seventeen years old, her little girl still needed her.
Finally, Elissa calmed a little and her weeping subsided, though her breaths were still broken.  Slowly shaking her head, she whispered, "I thought I was ready.  I thought I could do this.  I did okay for a while, I really did, and then…  Mom, he beat me so bad.  I tried my best and I fought him as hard as I could, but…  And then I just froze the next time…  Mom, I was so scared."
"I know you were, Baby," Diana assured.  "So was I."
"I just wanted to do great things," Elissa went on with a soft, girlish voice, "like you and Granna.  I came here for all the wrong reasons, Mom, I did all of this for all the wrong reasons and…"
"I've been watching," Diana assured.  "You fought gallantly.  Your heart was very strong, very brave but you were badly outmatched.  You just weren't prepared for such an enemy."
"I should have listened to you," Elissa admitted in a whimper.  "I should have trained harder and studied harder and—"
"Wait a minute!" Diana barked, pushing her daughter away from her.  "Are you saying I was right the last five years?"
Looking sheepishly into her mother's eyes, Elissa nodded like a scolded little girl.
An unexpected smile broke through Diana's features.  "I never thought I would hear you say that!"
Drawing a breath, Elissa said, "You had to know that I would have to admit it sooner or later."
Pulling the girl back to her, Diana held her tightly to her and observed, "Well, admitting that took great courage, Little One.  Great courage."
"But I'm still grounded until the next Ice Age?" Elissa asked grimly.
"No," Diana laughed.  "You're grounded through the next Ice Age."
Elissa also laughed, and she wrapped her arms around her mother again.  "I'm sorry I put you through all of this.  I really thought I was ready and I just wanted to do something to make you proud of me."
Diana stroked her hair.  "Elissa, making me proud of you isn't that complicated.  All I ever wanted was for you to do your best at everything in front of you, including school work."
"Yes, Mother.  I'm sorry I'm not a better daughter."
"Stop that."
"But I am."
"There are no perfect daughters, Little One, and I'm sure all daughters do things that frighten the life out of their mothers from time to time, frustrate them to the point of insanity, run away to Patriarch's World without their mother's blessing…"
Elissa pulled back, her narrow eyes on her mother's as she said, "Didn't you win a competition to come here?  Didn't you have to return some pilot or something?"
"Yes, I won the competition and won the place to come here and…"  She sighed.  "Okay.  I was not supposed to be in the competition to begin with and your Granna was furious when I won.  It took her ten years to get over."
A little smile touched Elissa's mouth.  "So I really am like you."
Diana smiled back and pinched the girl's nose.  "In some respects, but you're still shorter and lazier."
"I am not lazy, Mother."
"Elissa, look around you."
"I've been busy!"
"Uh, huh, just like you were busy on Themyscira."
"Okay, if my room had been clean when you got here, would you still be just as mad?"
Diana shook her head.  "No."
Smiling, Elissa countered, "Yes you would!"
"Okay," the Amazon Princess conceded.  "I would, but remember you took my armor and equipment, stole an airplane and ran away from home."
"Much like you did," Elissa pointed out.
"That isn't the same, little girl."
Raising her brow, Elissa timidly asked, "Are you even a little proud of me, though?"
Diana stared back at her for long seconds, then she combed her fingers through the girl's hair and replied, "That's a loaded question, my dear.  For the record, no.  This little stunt was very irresponsible."
"Off the record?" Elissa prodded.
Diana responded with a reluctant nod.  "Off the record, yes I am, but just a little."
Elissa smiled and offered, "Thanks."
Diana stood and pulled her daughter up with her and they made for the door.
"I love you, Mom," Elissa said softly.
"I love you, too, Little One."
"But I'm still grounded, huh?"
"Yep, you're still grounded."
Elissa groaned.  "Fine.  I have a lot to tell you when you have time, okay?"
Opening the door, Diana assured, "And I want to hear it all, Little One.  By the way, why didn't you take the lasso?"
Elissa replied through clenched teeth, "I forgot it, okay?"
Diana laughed under her breath and shook her head.  "I figured that when I found it under your blanket.  Just as well, I suppose.  It's not like you know how to use it."
Rolling her eyes, Elissa heaved a frustrated breath.
As they entered the living room, they looked to the activity in the kitchen and the laughing that came from there, and they both raised their brows.
"Oh my God," Stacy declared.  "You're kidding!"
"No," the Queen laughed.  Looking back at her daughter and granddaughter, Hippolyta nudged the girl and said, "Another time.  So, did you two have a nice chat?"
Elissa nodded and looked up at her mother, confirming, "Yes, Granna.  I think so."
Looking down to her daughter, as they strode toward the kitchen Diana informed, "There is still much we have to talk about.  Where is my armor?"
Motioning with her head toward the door, she replied, "It's in a sack over there."
"I half expected you to be wearing it all the time," Diana said.  "You know, just to be ready for whatever."
"Oh, I'm ready," Elissa assured with a smile.
Diana smiled back.  "You're also done."
Venting a sigh, Elissa looked down and grumbled, "Yes, Mother."
"I need to know all that you learned about Red Panzer," Diana ordered.  "Go sit down, I'll join you in a moment."
It was at that time that her emergency phone rang and she pulled it quickly from her belt but had it snatched from her hand before she could answer it.
"No you don't," Diana said straightly, and before she could answer herself, it was grabbed from her.
And Hippolyta barked, "No you don't, either."  Opening the phone, she held it to her ear and greeted, "Yes?  Yes, speaking.  Hmm…"  She turned her eyes to Elissa.  "I see.  Very good.  I'll be there shortly."  She closed the phone and set it down on the coffee table.  "Well now, Little One.  It appears that you were busier than we first thought."  She folded her arms and faced her granddaughter.  "A convoy of trucks has just left the north side of town and is on its way to Gotham City."
Elissa slammed her fist into her palm and declared, "That's what I've been…  Wait a minute."  Her eyes snapped to Hippolyta.  "The north side?"
"That's what your police commissioner said.  It seems like they would like you to be involved in stopping them.  She said something about an operation being moved."
Elissa nodded and insisted, "I'd better hurry, then."  When she turned to the door, her mother grabbed her arm and stopped her.
"I don't think so," Diana barked.  "Your butt is staying right here."
"So is yours," Queen Hippolyta informed.  When she met the Princess' eyes, her own narrowed and she ordered, "You and my granddaughter have some things to work out, I believe, so I'll take care of this matter myself."
Diana took a step toward her and protested, "Mother, you haven't been—"
"I didn't bring my Wonder Woman garb to sit here and worry over you, Diana.  You'll stay here and work things out with Elissa, and I'll see you two when this convoy is stopped and Red Panzer is in hundreds of pieces."  She turned toward the door and Elissa rushed forward, seizing her arm.
"Granna, he's really modernized that armor and he's a whole lot tougher and a whole lot stronger than you remember."
Hippolyta smiled and patted the girl's cheek.  "First rule of combat, my dear.  Never underestimate your opponent."
"Don't let him get his hands on you," Elissa warned.  "He can shock the heck out of you if he does."
The Queen nodded, then looked to the other two women and offered them a smile.  "Be back shortly."
As she left the apartment, Diana shook her head and strode to the door herself, picking up the bag and looking inside.  "Okay, girls.  I may as well get changed.  Since Granna doesn't know what she's getting into I intend to be ready."  She looked to Elissa and pointed a finger at her as she warned, "Do not leave this apartment."
Elissa nodded and watched her go into her bedroom and close the door.
Slowly approaching, Stacy took her shoulder and looked up at her.  "Wow.  Moms really are all alike, aren't they?"
Still staring at the door, Elissa just nodded.  Her eyes snapped to the phone as it rang again and she was quick to scoop it up and answer it, greeting, "Hello?"  Her eyes widened and her spine stiffened as she listened.  "I thought I had more time.  No, but…"  Her eyes darted about, and finally she closed them, conceding, "I can be there in an hour.  See you then."  Elissa bowed her head and closed the phone, setting it down onto the table.
"What is it?" Stacy asked.
"I have to go," Elissa replied softly.  She turned and hurried to the door, ordering, "Tell Mom I'll be back when I can, and not to worry."
As Elissa ran out the front door and closed it behind her, Stacy was wringing her hands together, staring at the door with uncertainty, and she simply did not know what to do.
Her motorcycle was two blocks away.  Another street lamp had burned out and the going was dark and should have been frightening.  Although still a little afraid in the dark, she found herself more and more at home in it.
Looking through the clear lenses of her glasses, Elissa's mind was on what was to come, not her surroundings.  She always stopped at the corner to be sure traffic was clear, but this day she stormed right across.  The street thugs who were always on the far corner were already gone, not that they bothered her anymore, anyway.
The storage unit was across the next street, and yet it seemed almost too far away.
Half way to the next street, someone grabbed her arm and spun her around, slamming her into the granite wall behind her and she turned wide eyes up to her mother's.
"Where do you think you are going, young lady?" Diana cried.  Dressed as Wonder Woman, she loomed over her daughter, angry anew as she glared down at her.
Hesitantly, Elissa replied, "There is something I have to do."
"I told you to remain in the apartment."
"I know, Mom, but this is very important."
"You aren't going anywhere, young lady."
"Please let go of me!" Elissa cried, jerking her arm from her mother's grasp.  She turned from the wall and backed away, toward her motorcycle.  "You don't understand, Mother.  I have to go!"
Slowly pursuing, Diana ordered, "Tell me where you are going.  What is so important?"
"You wouldn't understand!"
"What wouldn't I understand?  Talk to me, Elissa."
"He can make me stronger!" Elissa cried.  "He can make me bigger!  He helped others and he can help me, too.  Don't you understand?  I don't have to be small and weak anymore."
"Who can?  Who made you these promises?"
"Mom, don't try to stop me!  Just let me go.  I have to do this!"
Finally close enough, Diana seized her arms and stopped her, demanding, "I want to know who!  I am not letting you go anywhere—"
"Panzer, okay?  It's Panzer!  He's genetically enhanced other people to make them bigger and stronger and he can help me, too.  Mom, I can finally be the woman you've always wanted me to be."
Diana's breath caught and she stared back dumbly with her mouth agape.
Slowly shaking her head, Elissa had tears dropping from her eyes as she whimpered, "It's the only way, Mom.  It's the only way.  I can finally be a real Amazon warrior and you can finally be…"  She closed her eyes and more tears poured forth as she bowed her head.  "You can finally be proud of me."
"Elissa," Diana breathed.
Trying to pull away, Elissa insisted, "You have to let me go now.  I have to go."  She still wept, and when her mother would not release her she was finally still, her head hanging low as she reached for Diana and fell into her.  "Mom, please.  It's the only way."
The Princess' arms wrapped around her and she held her close, her eyes now dropping tears as she whispered, "I don't want you to do that."
"I have to," Elissa cried.  "It's the only way."
"But I don't want you different," Diana insisted.  "Elissa, you don't have to do this for my approval.  Don't you see?  You've had it all along."
"No I haven't, Mom!  I haven't!"
"Baby, listen to me.  It wasn't your fault.  None of this was."  She loosed a breath and laid her head on top of Elissa's.  "It was my fault.  I pushed you…  I pushed you because…  Don't do this for me, please.  Don't change who you are just to make me proud of you.  Just be my daughter.  Be your own woman."
Hesitantly, Elissa nodded.  "I still have to go, Mom."
"Elissa, he's on his way to Gotham."
Looking up at her mother, Elissa shook her head and corrected, "No, Mom.  He's not going anywhere.  He's in a warehouse on the east side of the city waiting for me."
"How do you know this?"
"He called me.  I gave him my number a few nights ago.  He thinks he's tracking me, but, well, the thing he's using to track me with is on the other side of town.  I didn't want him knowing where I live."
Diana smiled.  "You know, perhaps you are too smart for my own good.  So, what did you plan to do if you didn't go through this change?"
Elissa shrugged.  "I don't know, kick his butt somehow, I guess.  He promised that if I didn't do this and join him then he'd crush me to death or something."
Diana raised her chin.  "Well, then.  Perhaps Wonder Woman does need to pay him a visit tonight."
Pulling away from her, Elissa backed up a few steps and said, "I agree, Mom, but she won't be alone this time."  Extending her arms, Elissa spun quickly around and was enveloped in a bright light, and in a flash it was gone, revealing her in her new outfit and armor, and she stopped her spin and set her hands on her hips, smiling at her mother as she asked, "So what do you think?"
A little shocked at first, Diana finally folded her arms and nodded, a little smile on her lips as she confirmed, "I like it.  But, what are you doing?"
"I'm going with you."
"No you aren't."
Elissa also folded her arms.  "Fine.  Good luck finding him without me."
Diana's eyes narrowed.  "Elissa…"
"Mom," Elissa urged, "you're going to have to trust me sooner or later."
Huffing a breath, Diana shook her head.  "No.  You're only sixteen."
"I'm almost seventeen!"
"And still too young for this.  It's way too dangerous."
"Mom, please!  I've dreamed about fighting by your side since I was a little girl."
Looking away, Diana finally nodded and said with a little smile, "I've thought about that, too, for a long time."  She shook her head again.  "I don't know.  He almost killed you before."
"You weren't there," Elissa pointed out.  "I was all by myself.  Please, Mom.  I have to see this through.  You wouldn't leave such a thing undone and neither can I!"
Looking back to her daughter, Diana considered, and could not help feeling a surge of overwhelming pride.  Finally, her daughter was showing focus and commitment.   "I'm taking Panzer myself," she heard herself say, "understand?"
"You can have him," Elissa assured.  "I'll have your back, Mom."  She smiled.  "I can't wait to watch you kick some butt!"
Diana smiled back and roughed the girl's hair.  "I've been looking forward to watching you work too, Junior.  Come on.  Let's get going."
"By the way, your bike is parked in front of Stacy's car.  My official Wonder Woman bike is about a block away."
"You have an official Wonder Woman bike?"
"Of course!  Didn't you?"
"No, I didn't."
"Oh.  Bummer."
They walked side by side back toward the apartment building, and Diana looked down at her daughter, asking, "How was your first taste of real freedom?"
Staring down at the sidewalk before her, Elissa shrugged and replied.  "Well, it was great at first.  I didn't have any responsibilities, no training every day, nobody telling me what to do…"
"And then…" Diana prodded.
Venting a deep breath, Elissa admitted, "And then… Well, it didn't turn out like I thought it would.  I found out I had responsibilities I'd never even imagined."  Her brow low over her eyes, she looked up at her mother and complained, "Being you was a whole lot harder than I thought it would be!"
Diana laughed and shoved her daughter over a few steps.  "I am so glad you finally got to see that!"
"Oh, I got to see it, Mom, and there's no way in Hades I'm ever going back.  You work way too hard!"
Looking back to the girl, Diana still wore a smile as she observed, "Knowing you, I'm sure you found ways to have all kinds of fun anyway."
"Yeah," Elissa confessed, "I did.  I also finally got to go shopping like I'd always wanted!"
"With money that you raided from my old bank account," Diana pointed out.
With a big smile, Elissa looked up to her again and confirmed, "Of course.  Kids always use their parent's money.  I got some really killer clothes with it, too."
"I see that," Diana laughed, "and that is a really killer outfit you're wearing.  Where did you get it?"
"Believe it or not, Mom, your fan club made it for me specifically to beat Panzer.  Don't know if it will work, so you're going in first."
"Well I really do like it.  It looks good on you.  Does it wear okay?"
"Oh, it's great!  Breaths well, moves well, stretches with me and it's not as slutty as yours."
The back of Diana's hand slammed into Elissa's arm and she barked, "Hey!"
Elissa grasped her stinging arm and looked up at Diana as she shouted, "Ow!  Mom!"
"What do you mean by that?"
Rubbing her arm, Elissa gave her a sour look and said, "Really, Mom.  Look in the mirror once in a while.  I mean, seriously."
"There's nothing wrong with how I dress, Elissa!"
"Yes, Mother.  And thanks.  I do like this one better, too.  I mean, yours looks great and all and has excellent freedom of movement, but it's really too loose in the butt for me."  She looked away and smiled.
Giving her daughter a narrow eyed look, Diana grumbled, "Just wait until you give birth to a ten pound baby girl."  Raising a hand to her eyes, she breathed, "Oh, Hera, what am I saying?"
They walked for a few moments in silence, then Diana asked, "Do you still want to be an Amazon warrior we can all be proud of?"
"Yes, Mom, I do."
Diana slipped her arm around her daughter's shoulders.  "Then I think it's time to let Red Panzer know that you do."
Here's Wonder Woman: Legacy, Chapter 15, part 1. Enjoy.

Updated 31 October, 2011

Icon by :icongoldensalamander:

Chapter 15 pt. 2 [link]
© 2010 - 2024 Brawrloxoss
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L1701E's avatar
Neat little story you got here.